
Ben 10 vs Danny Phantom : Ghost Hour - chapter 1

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The night sky of Amity Park was in flames.
A man made of coal and fire flew on a chunk of burning rock, in hot pursuit of a ghost-like humanoid.
The creature he pursued was similar to a corpse; its face was an upside-down, mangled skull with a single purple eyeball. Its malformed body was warped in leathery grey cloth and framed by a hunched spine. Out of this protruded two long bony arms, ending in razor sharp claws.
A rusty old RV, driven by an elderly man and a young redheaded girl next to him, followed this wild chase.
"Remember Ben, no fooling around!” The man said into a communicator. “You have to pin down Ghostfreak so we can put him back into the Null Void. Don’t let him get away!"
"Don't worry, Grandpa," replied the man made of fire. "I'm right on his tail!"
Meanwhile, the fleeing Ghostfreak felt a familiar sensation: a great source of power was oozing from nearby. He quickly switched direction, phasing through two trees and a concrete wall. The man made of fire followed him, slamming into the wall at full speed.
"Ow!" He yelled, nearly falling off his platform.
"Nice doing, dweeb," teased the girl.
"Shut up, Gwen," Ben replied.

Nearby, a teenage ghost with snow-white hair and glowing green eyes patrolled the city.
"Seems pretty quiet tonight,” he said to no one in particular. “Guess I'll head home..."
Seemingly out of nowhere, a hideous monster rammed into him, nearly sending him plummeting to the ground.
The boy recovered quickly. "Look’s like I spoke too fast,” he said, preparing for a fight.
"You have to help me!" the monster yelled. "Those people are after me! They’re trying to burn me alive!"
The boy looked at the creature. He saw many ghosts in his short life, fighting creatures from beyond the veil on nearly a daily basis, but this creature looked gruesome to him despite even that.
"Calm down," he said. "Who are you?"
"I am Zs'Skayr, High Ecto-Lord of Anur Phaetos! A gang of Anti-Ectonurite radicals is pursuing me, and I need protection. We are both ectoplasm based life-forms, aren't we?"
"Great," the ghost boy thought, “Another self-proclaimed ghost lord.”
"Look dude," he said aloud. "I’ve got some chores to get to, so I don't have much time to deal with whatever mess you got yourself into. Just follow me, and I’ll return you to the Ghost Zone."
"No!" the beast shrieked. "I'm never going back to the Null Void!" the creature promptly lashed out onto the boy with his claws.
"Hey!” The boy yelled, barely deflecting the blows with plasma shields. “What's wrong with you?"
Just then, a giant ball of fire blazed past them. The ghost boy turned to see a flying man seemingly made completely of red-hot coal and flames.
"Hey Ghostfreak!” He stood offensively, fire erupting from his upturned hands. “Get ready to fry!" He blasted both Ghostfreak and the young ghost, bathing them in fire.
Ben had been oblivious to the ghost boy when he attacked, but became very aware of him when a fist covered in ectoplasm emerged out of the flames, colliding with Ben’s stomach.
“Listen,” the teenager said. "I have no idea who the heck you are, or what you're problem with Ziskar here is, but you chose the wrong phantom to mess with!"
They charged toward each other at full speed, colliding in a dazzling display of ectoplasm and fire. Each punch left streaks of red and green painted in the sky, like the strokes of an artist.
“Hey, buddy,” the phantom attempted to say during their spar. “I don’t know if you got the memo, but I’m Danny Phantom. I’ve kicked butt like yours more times than I can count.”
But of course, the boy ignored him. “Yeah, well let me fire things up a bit!” A fireball accompanied the horrible pun.
"I don't have time for this," Danny mumbled to himself, dodging the affront easily. He heaved a large breath, then let out a yell that created a great sonic boom, knocking Ben back several feet.
While the alien was preoccupied, Danny took the opportunity and flew to the ground. Ben recovered quickly and was on his tail until he phased through the asphalt road.
"Oh, no you don't!" Ben shouted.
Landing, he ran to the nearest manhole. Before he could lift it, however, he stopped himself.
"Wait a minute. I can't go down there as Heatblast, I'd blow-up like Vilgax did." He waited until a flash enveloped him. In the place of Heatblast now stood a young, brown-haired human boy. Smirking, he said, "And Gwen says I'm stupid." The smile vanished as he looked at the now red dial of the watch on his arm. "Dang it! Why does it have to go into re-charge mode?"
Gwen and Grandpa Max had been watching most of the battle from the RV. They had driven at top speed, trying to catch up to the ghost and the alien while they narrowly avoided crashing. But when the fight ended and the police began to pursue them, Max decided to pull over.
The elderly man rolled down the window. "Is there some sort of an emergency, sir?" the officer asked.
"We just got caught-up in a ghost-chase," Gwen commented sarcastically, mostly to herself.
"Oh,” the policeman nodded in sympathy. “Should’ve thought so. You’re free to go." And with that, the police officer got back into his car and drove off.
A moment of silence passed after he left, broken by Gwen.
"What just happened?"

Meanwhile, Zs'Skayr fled the scene of the battle at the first opportunity, following the source of power.
His senses lead him to a nearby building. It looked too technologically advanced to have been built by human hand. At the front of the building, the words “Fenton Works” were written with shining neon letters.
He easily phased through the building, gliding through walls and floors while following the path of the energy until he found its source. He stood before a machine resembling an extremely overcomplicated door, fitted with various pieces of technology. He felt incredible power coming from within, but could not understand where it came from or how to access it.
As he thought about his choices, he heard two voices approaching. Quickly phasing into the floor, he decided to eavesdrop to the pair.
"...I mean, it would be nice if you just showed some interest in your old man's work."
"Dad, I've already told you. I’m not interested in ghost hunting."
"Is it wrong to want my own kid to follow in my footsteps?"
"Why don't you pick Danny? I'm sure he would make a much better ghost hunter than I could."
"Come on, Jazz! We all know you’re the smart one!"
"That's why I'm not interested," the girl, Jazz, mumbled.
"I heard that!"
Zs'Skayr, now invisible, followed the two back out of the lab.
About an hour later, Jazz lay fast asleep in the safety of her bedroom. She was unaware of the housebreaker phasing through the ceiling, slowly descending upon her.

The next morning, Danny Fenton woke up in his room, not all too happy with himself. He kept running the events of the previous day in his head, unable to get rid of the feeling that his decisions will come back to bite him, hard. He thought that he should do something about it, seeing as he didn't earlier.
After finishing his morning routine, he called his friends. He needed someone to talk to.
On his way to the door, he said a hasty goodbye to his parents. "Bye mom! Bye dad! I'm going to meet Sam and Tucker at Nasty Burger."
"Have a nice day, Danny," his mother replied.
"Have fun," his father added.
Moments later, his sister Jazz walked down the stairs, her usually blue eyes had a more purple tone to them, and seemed as if her makeup was running.
“Jazz!” Jack greeted. “You look different. Did you cut your hair?”
"Oh, father dearest," she said in a raspy voice. "Shall you and me spend some quality father-daughter time together on this beautiful day?"
Jack looked at her, confused. “What do you mean?”
Jazz pouted. "Is it too much for a daughter to ask her father to spend some time with her?"
"Gee, sorry Jazz," Jack replied with genuine sadness, "But I've made plans to work in the lab for most of the day."
“Oh, that's wonderful!" The girl grinned.
"Wonderful?” Jack repeated, puzzled. “I thought you hated what I did."
"What could ever make you think that?"
"You, yesterday."
"Oh, that?” She seemed to have just remembered. “That was just a quick lapse of female foolishness. Dear father, I would love it if you took me down to your lab, where I could ask you about any one of your inventions!"
"You would?"
A huge smile appeared on Jack's face. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get to it!” Anxious to finally work with a child who was, for once, eager to join the family business, he grabbed her by the arm and rushed down to the laboratory.
Almost a year in the making, the collaborative effort is finally completed 

Idea and concept by :icontoongrowner:

plot synopsis by :icontoongrowner: :iconburningresurrection: :iconxenomaster:

written by your's truly :iconsekele:

editing by :iconcleverun: :iconotakukiller:

Ben and family pursue an old enemy into a city, who's protector does not appreciate the mayhem they unleash. 
Heroes clash! 

:icontoongrowner: 's version can be found here…

chapter 1 - you are here
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